The contribution of Polyamory to a happy future

Speech at the Mirapuri World Peace Festival 2010, 10.7.2010

If we want to dive into a future that is happy on the long run we have to bring about a total change of social, political, financial, emotional and spiritual climate. This is no small feat to be accomplished and will in time profoundly change our way of life. It will gradually result in the birth of a new culture that is necessarily based on love, trust and collaboration. It will be a reshaping of things and processes and of attitudes. In the course of this work we have to review everything in life and assess its status. Some things will belong to the past and should be placed there to rest in peace. Other things will be found wanting but capable of change, while only few, if any, are already headed towards the future. The future is full of as yet unrealized possibilities, and only if the future lives up to its possibilities will it be a happy future.
One of those many things to be reviewed is the way people interact. This happens on a great number of levels. Interaction takes place whenever two or more people meet, be it physically, on the phone or in the internet. And even if we read a poem of a long dead rhymester an interaction occurs. Interaction is involved in war and in peace as well as in love and in hate. What makes interaction a crucial art in the history of mankind and on our way towards the future is its quality.
On a certain level it can be said, that wars for instance are caused by greed or by the wish for domination and power. But on closer inspection we can see, that the roots of war run deeper. They have their hold in the way we see other people. If they mean nothing to us, or if we are indifferent to them, disgusted by them or if we hate them, war and strife are always waiting to raise their ugly heads. If on the other hand we love and respect our fellow men there is no place for these distortions of true humanity.
Of course, this isn’t war’s deepest root. That would be Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Allgemein, Bewusstseinsentfaltung, Beziehungen, Polyamory, Zukunftsentwicklung | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Happy Future and Climate Change

Michel Montecrossa’s speech at the World Peace Festival 2010, 09.07.2010

The Video of the speech can be viewed here.

MichelIf you look at the world from an external point of view the promise of a happy future seems to be a vain promise in the face of all the questions of climate change on earth, but it is only a seeming: in reality if you look deeper into these questions of future and climate change you will see that we are living at an exceptionally promising and hopeful moment in the history of mankind. It is a crossroad and in the crossroad situation we always face great and powerful impulses for progress. It is an inrush of the new into our present scheme of awareness and frame of consciousness.
We are always existing and evolving and living in a great, great ocean of consciousness which is present since time eternal and our existence as a feeling, seeing and willing, hoping and yearning individual is a drop of this consciousness, a drop from this consciousness ocean which took the form of me and you. It is small apparently but in its essence it is the same consciousness like this big, this vast consciousness. As the drop of the ocean is the same substance, the same water as the ocean itself. And this makes the beauty of the world, of creation and also our own beauty as a human being that each one of us is something, one drop of this great ocean and therefore it seems only natural that all the drops based on this sameness should be able to understand each other, to perceive each other as basically coming from the same origin with the great privilege to express this origin in a unique way. Each one of us and each member of the human family can express this common origin in a unique way, in a way which only you are able to express it, in a way which is the very meaning of your present individual existence.
Each one of us has something to contribute which no one else can contribute, each one of us can share with others in a way which is possible only for you. And all these individualities, all this exceptional possibilities have the possibility not only to share but to unite their multiplicity in a great unity of humanity. This is the way into the future since time immemorial but this is above all the promise of Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Bewusstseinsentfaltung, Klimawandel, Spiritualität, Umwelt, Zukunftsentwicklung | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar

Mirapuri – Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa

Eine Stadtgründung ist eine seltene Angelegenheit, nicht nur zu unserer Zeit. In der Regel entstehen Städte von selbst, fast auf organische Weise. Meist haben günstige landschaftliche Gegebenheiten die Menschen dazu bewogen, sich niederzulassen. Und je nach Lage oder soziologischen o.ä. Besonderheiten (Königssitz, Religionssitz, Handelsknotenpunkt, Befestigung, Zusammenfluss) sind diese Niederlassungen schnell zu Städten angewachsen.
Aber manche Städte wurden, zumindest der Sage nach, regelrecht gegründet, meist durch Herrscher wie Alexander der Große oder Karl der Große. Vordergründig dienten solche Gründungen meist machtpolitischen Zwecken (Grenzsicherung, Nachruhm). Aber das ist nur ein Aspekt. Ein anderer, der eigentlich wichtige Aspekt, wird oft übersehen.
Der eigentliche Kern jeder Stadtgründung ist eine Vision. Der Gehalt einer Vision mag reich oder begrenzt sein, selbstlos oder egozentrisch. Aber es ist eine Vorstellung davon da, wie die Dinge sein könnten, und der Glaube oder die Hoffnung eines Wandels zum Besseren. Manche dieser Städte sind heute nur noch Legenden, sei es weil sie gescheitert sind, die Vision von der Zeit überholt wurde oder ihrer Zeit zu weit voraus war. Wie dem auch sei, alle diese Visionen haben eines gemeinsam: Sie sind in die Zukunft gerichtet.
Eine der wichtigsten Neugründungen seit sehr langer Zeit ist Mirapuri. 1978 wurde Mirapuri von Michel Montecrossa in Norditalien gegründet, in der Gegend zwischen dem Lago Maggiore und dem Lago di Orta. Ein erster Satellit von Mirapuri ist Miravillage in Süddeutschland, südlich von München.
Auch Mirapuri liegt eine Vision zugrunde, die am Besten durch ihren Beinamen ausgedrückt wird: Die Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa. Der Hintergrund dieser Vision Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Bewusstseinsentfaltung, Gemeinschaft, Spiritualität, Zukunftsentwicklung | Verschlagwortet mit , , , , , , , , | Schreib einen Kommentar